Christine Kisser
Ruffdog Founder and Master Dog Trainer
Christine Kisser has been enjoying the sport and breeding test formally called Schutzhund for over 28 years. Schutzhund now called IGP, (translated from German) International Obedience Testing is a breeding test, obedience training test and dog temperament test designed to test service dogs worldwide for breeding and work suitability.
Christine is a sport dog hobby trainer and World Championship level dog sport competitor. She also coaches obedience workshops across USA and Canada.
In the last 10 years, she has trained 2 dogs, a German Shepherd and a Malinois to be Top 5 at the IGP World Championships and competed 3 times on the World Stage. She has also won the USA Malinois National Championships in 2019 and the Canadian National Championships in 2023
Christine's most recent training and competion partner, Amber is her own bred female from her CKC registered kennel; Fireballs Amber BH/IGP1/IGP2/IGP3.
Together they won the Canadian National Championships in June 2023 with the following scores: Tracking 96, Obedience 95, Protection 93
Christine and Amber recently competed for their last time together at the 2024 FMBB World Championships in Verona, Italy, passing with good scores of 84,85,82.
Amber is now retired from IGP
Christine is now focusing on training her young male, Odin Ostraryka, with the intention of showing him in IGP end of 2025
Group obedience workshops and Seminars are open for booking after June 2025. Contact Us for booking details within North America
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